Tuesday, June 15, 2010

june 15

between work commitments and biking everywhere i've let this slide. today was bloody hard, not just on my legs but the cardio. 5 km should not be this hard! time to recommit and work a bit harder at this, i feel like my fitness is sliding. running twice a week is totally doable even if i have to set an alarm clock and get up early!

distance today: 5 km

distance to date: 264 km

june 8

it's flat here which is makes running much easier. i've been slacking on my runs as i'm biking a lot and my legs are feeling overtired. at this rate it could be 2011 before i reach marseilles. i would like to make it by the end of 2010.
distance today: 5 km
distance to date: 264km

june 1

it's a rather long way until the next major town, and since my runs are currently quite short it could be a while before i reach it. so i shall just enjoy the trees, les arbres.
distance today: 5 km
distance to date: 259 km

may 25

more patchwork quilt countryside. i did come across this rather lovely house, wouldn't you love to have a turret like that?
distance today: 6.4 km
distance to date: 254 km