Sunday, August 15, 2010

aug 15

OOOHHH! I want to live here! This is in Gaillon where I finished today. I left Fontine-Bellenger, ran through Gournay, Vieux-Villez and le Mesnil Benier. It was hard going today, the sky is heavy and a thunderstorm is on the way. The humidity is so thick it's like running through jello. I'd rather really be in Gaillon where today there's a light rain and the temperature is only 16. Great weather for running although lousy weather for sitting in an outdoor cafe.
Distance today: 5 km
Distance to date: 328 km

aug 12

This is the vallee de la Seine, I'll be following the river all the way into Paris. I should be adding some hills to my run along the bike path in Toronto to mimic the gently rolling slopes of the vallee, however I'm lazy. And there are no gently rolling hills around. At least I ran.
Distance today: 6 km
Distance to date: 323 km

aug 9

I'm sticking to side roads as much as possible. As I'm nearing Paris there is a major highway that is rapidly increasing in size. Although even if i run on this as a 2 legged vehicle I'm not subject to paying le peage (the tolls).
I won't even try and explain why it's been 2 WEEKS since I've run. I feel horrible and this will not happen again. I need to get to Paris by October 5.
Distance today: 5 km
Distance to date: 317 km

july 26

Across the Seine again, through Pont-de-l'Arche. Then a long stretch through the Foret de Bord. Trees, trees and more trees.
Distance today: 6 km
Distance to date: 312 km

july 24

I'm in love with this countryside. Don't you just want to sit on a red blanket and have a picnic right here?
Distance today: 5 km
Distance to date: 306 km

July 20

Running beside the Seine through more bois (woods). Through a small village, Saint Adrien and finishing in Gouy. A major milestone today, I've run 300 km!!!
Distance today: 6 km
Distance to date: 301 km

july 12

Rouen. Absolutely gorgeous. The River Seine makes a loop and the town wraps around it. This is old old France and I could wander around staring at buildings for weeks. However Paris calls. I am falling behind on this project. Life has been getting in the way and I'm not running as much as I'd like to. Too much work in July which leaves little time for fun. So I shall put Rouen on my list of places to return to and head off.

Distance today: 6 km
Distance to date: 295 km