Sunday, March 7, 2010

mar 7 - choo choo!

more noises as i go! after leaving les moutons (the sheep) in the fields i hit my first fork in the road. big decision.... i wanted to go inland to see the city of Abbeville and from there it would make sense to go straight south to Paris (ooohhhh, Pareeeee!) but i'm enjoying the coastal route and i'd like to get to Dieppe and Rouen. and so i've detoured which is going to take a bit longer than i thought. however since this is a virtual tour it's not costing me anything so what the heck.
at my fork in the road i turned east through the town of Noyelles-sur-Mer. Noyelles is known for it's steam train, a very big tourist attraction.
Very lovely town. I ran through the town and back to the fields which are making me think of patchwork quilts. Another decent mileage day which finished in Port-le-Grand. Must find a bistro, looking at all those sheep all day, need lamb chops.

distance today: 7.2km
distance to date: 144.1 km

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