Friday, April 23, 2010

april 19

From Criel-Plage the road moves inland. There's no coastal road because these cliffs are just insane. Combined with the constant wind I assume they are afraid of losing cars over the cliffs. Inland is a nice change from several days of rocks and wind. More fields, flowers and green things. The road led through Criel-sur-Mer, a bit of a misnomer as it's not on the sea - and the day finished up in the hamlet of Tocqueville-sur-Mer.

distance today: 6.4 km
distance to date: 217.2 km

april 19

Le-Treport is the southern end of Mers-les-Bains. It's a working port, un port de peche (a fishing port) although how they can work when there's no water confounds me. Seriously, I checked the tide table and had to check again. The tides are 8 METRES!!! I did notice that the fishing port and the turn basin have locks so that they always have water. Even with the locks you can only leave on a high tide.
This is crazy!!!
The cliffs continue all the way along this coast, I love this little funincular, much easier than the way that I took...

the stairs. Thank goodness this is a virtual run, those stairs would KILL me. I know the treadmill has an incline option however I've never used it. And when I do run outdoors I run along a lakeshore which is totally flat. Hills are one of those things that's on the to do list and keeps getting put off for later. I'm happy with the fact that I'm running, I'm not going to beat myself up for not doing hills. There's always later.
At least after climbing the Escalier de la Falaise you're awarded with a fantastic view of Le-Treport and Mers-les-Bains. On a sunny day it makes the effort worth while. From here I ran along the Route Touristique and finished up in Criel-Plage.

Another small seaside town nestled at the foot of the cliffs.
Distance today: 6.4 km
Distance to date: 210.8 km

april 13

a fantastic day! the seaside town of Mer-les-Bains is picture perfect, gorgeous buildings nestled at the foot of les falaises (the cliffs). there's a lovely esplanade for strolling along lined with my favourite, outdoor patios!

to do list: 1. find a patio. 2. order wine, 3. doodle in notebook 4. stare into space.
none of those cute little beach huts here, this is not a beach for lounging, i think you'd blow away. those breakwaters are spectacular. the winter storms here must be ferocious.

distance today: 6.4 km
distance to date: 204.4 km

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

april 11 - fields

well after leaving Ault it was a straight run through the fields to finish up beside this landing strip. i'm wondering if this is for crop planes or private planes bringing les touristes to la plage...
distance today: 5.2 km
distance to date: 198 km

Saturday, April 10, 2010

april 9 - les falaises

a breezy day as i'm right along the coast, fresh and brisk. the towns of Onival and Ault are side by side and are known for les falaises (new word!), the cliffs. seriously it looks like someone snapped the country in half.
or maybe a part just fell off and drifted away.
the town is full of cafes and as we're by the sea i'm sure i can find another plate of les moules et frites. although i'm finding that running makes me ravenous all the time. i don't know why anyone who wants to lose weight would run. losing weight means eating less calories and that's just not possible if you run. les moules are very tasty however they are tiny. bring on another plate of frites. of course wash them down with un verre du vin blanc.

distance today: 6.4 km
distance to date: 192.8 km

april 6 - motiviation issues.

i missed a whole week of running last week due to work commitments. sometimes life just gets in the way. now that the first flush of excitment about this project has worn off my motivation level is somewhat lower. this treadmill is getting boring, i can't wait to run outside. and some mornings i'm just not in the mood. i have to remember that things take time, this is a year long project and i will reach my goal if i move my feet one at a time. keep the vision alive.

from the pine forest i ran through Brighton and turned south with the smell of the sea. first up was the resort town of Cayeux-sur-Mer with it's pebble beach. no sand here just rocks and pebbles. and more of those beach huts. again, exactly how windy does it get here?
as i continued along the coast i wondered more about the wind, it appears that erosion is a real problem here. the entire coastline has man made breakwaters along it to prevent erosion. hmmmm ... note to self. do not visit here in winter time.

distance today: 6.4 km
distance to date: 186.4 km

Friday, April 9, 2010

march 27 - un foret de pin

through the fields westward to the sea along the D3, a lovely curvy road that finished - surprise! in a pine forest, "un foret de pin" outside of Brighton.

distance today: 6.4 km

distance todate: 180 km

march 23 - moules

i am fascinated by the canals here. about one km into the run i was back beside a canal passing first what they called "parking a bateau", or marina. the run took me through Saint-Valery sur Somme, a gorgeous waterfront town.
not only is it wonderfully scenic, there are oodles of cafes serving moules et frites! And after a short fast run I deserve a huge plate of these.

distance today: 5.2 km

distance to date: 174.55 km