Saturday, April 10, 2010

april 9 - les falaises

a breezy day as i'm right along the coast, fresh and brisk. the towns of Onival and Ault are side by side and are known for les falaises (new word!), the cliffs. seriously it looks like someone snapped the country in half.
or maybe a part just fell off and drifted away.
the town is full of cafes and as we're by the sea i'm sure i can find another plate of les moules et frites. although i'm finding that running makes me ravenous all the time. i don't know why anyone who wants to lose weight would run. losing weight means eating less calories and that's just not possible if you run. les moules are very tasty however they are tiny. bring on another plate of frites. of course wash them down with un verre du vin blanc.

distance today: 6.4 km
distance to date: 192.8 km

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