Friday, April 23, 2010

april 19

Le-Treport is the southern end of Mers-les-Bains. It's a working port, un port de peche (a fishing port) although how they can work when there's no water confounds me. Seriously, I checked the tide table and had to check again. The tides are 8 METRES!!! I did notice that the fishing port and the turn basin have locks so that they always have water. Even with the locks you can only leave on a high tide.
This is crazy!!!
The cliffs continue all the way along this coast, I love this little funincular, much easier than the way that I took...

the stairs. Thank goodness this is a virtual run, those stairs would KILL me. I know the treadmill has an incline option however I've never used it. And when I do run outdoors I run along a lakeshore which is totally flat. Hills are one of those things that's on the to do list and keeps getting put off for later. I'm happy with the fact that I'm running, I'm not going to beat myself up for not doing hills. There's always later.
At least after climbing the Escalier de la Falaise you're awarded with a fantastic view of Le-Treport and Mers-les-Bains. On a sunny day it makes the effort worth while. From here I ran along the Route Touristique and finished up in Criel-Plage.

Another small seaside town nestled at the foot of the cliffs.
Distance today: 6.4 km
Distance to date: 210.8 km

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