Tuesday, January 10, 2012

jan 10 - 500 km!!!! milestone!!!!

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!! Today is a major milestone, I've passed the 500 km mark!!! OK, so it took a long time. That's not the point. The point is that one step at a time, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other adds up. No matter how big the goal is, one step at a time you can do anything. 

I've been a bit malade (sick) this week so I missed a running day. While I wasn't quite up to the task today I really wanted to hit the treadmill so that I could make this goal. Yippeeee!!!! For my milestone run I took a turn further south. The Seine is just east of me as it meanders along. More suburbs although they are dotted with just gorgeous bits of history. I love this old paper mill - papeterie

word today: I write a letter - Je vous ecris une lettre. 

distance today: 6 km
distance to date: 505 km

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