Wednesday, February 17, 2010

feb 16 - Berck

oh boy, back to the seaside today. i felt the need to see la mer (the sea) so after 2 km down the D940 I took a sharp right along the Avenue du Dr Ouellete to la plage. Berck is the north point of the Baie d'Authie and has oodles of wind and sand. There is a lovely promenade along the beach, very busy during the tourist season.
Today I learnt a new word, cerf-volant, meaning kite. Note to self, find out when the kite festivals happen here.

As I continued south along the promenade I came across many of these stone jetties that extend way out across the sand. Well, sand at low tide, underwater at high tide. I suspect many of these are to diminish the effects of wind on sand erosion. The end of my run coincided with the end of the promenade with a spectacular view of the Baie at coucher du soleil (sunset).
distance today: 6.4 km
distance to date: 97.2 km

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