Once through Waben, (which took just a few minutes, small town) I again headed south to the open countryside. Running alone can be a bit dull but I can always have a conversation avec les vaches, they seem to be bilingual, moo is moo in any language.

The magnificent Baie d'Authie winds its way inland and I found this fantastic view from the Pont a Cailloux (remember le pont? the bridge). And so my run ends.

About a half a km back I passed the Chateau de Colline Beaumont, I think I shall return there and see if they can put me up for the night. I suspect their wine cellar is definitely worth a visit! And I could use a nice hot shower, it was a long run today! I'm getting stronger!
Distance today: 7.2 km
Distance to date: 109.7 km
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