Friday, February 19, 2010

feb 18 - MILESTONE!!!

When i stopped yesterday i was so caught up in the beautiful sunset (le coucher de soleil) over La Baie d'Authie that I didn't even notice this: le phare de Berck. (and a new word! le phare is the lighthouse). I ran past le phare et le poste de secours (the aid station) and then le stationnement des camping-cars (the parking lot) onto the Chemins des Raisins. I think this means the Raisin Road. I keep looking for the raisins.

I turned east onto the Boulevard de Paris and headed out of Berck. It was a nice town and gave me lots to see. At a large roundabout I turned south back on the D940. My route took me past Enclos Bouteleux and the day finished on the outskirts of Groffliers.

Today marks a major milestone for me, I reached the 100 km mark!!! That is huge!!! So what if it tooks 6 weeks, I have now run more than 100 km!!! Being in the triple digits is a big psychological boost. It means that I'm serious about this, I can do it. 6 weeks ago it was a struggle to make 5km a day, now I'm doing a bit over 6 and it's easy. Usually I want to continue and do more but I hold off because I don't want to overdo it and be too tired the next day. My goal is to get in shape and this takes time. Everyday I remind myself that to reach a major goal (running the whole country) I must take small steps everyday.

One foot in front of the other and eyes on the finish line. I will reach it. Yippeeee!!!

Distance today: 5.3 km (and a fast one!)
Distance to date: 102.5

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